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Monday, December 28, 2009

2010 --- It’s the New Year again!

Well readers as we approach another New Year, I am sure many of you are planning your New Year's resolutions. You know the ones that include losing weight, getting more active, working out, eating better, going to church more, getting more involved in community outreach, getting more in touch with friends and family,....and just overall becoming a better you. I truly do wish everyone good luck with their resolutions this year. I have always had and probably will continue to have my share of resolutions in 2010 and beyond. The driving desire to be a better person rings loud and clear as the clock strikes 12 at the beginning of the year. As we shout 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1, ...Happy New Year.... Be a Better Me, should all be proclaimed in the same sentence.

At any rate, again, I am not challenging anyone for their New Year's Resolutions...rather....the single girl in the New Year is hoping to see movement in her life. Can I resolve to find a soul-mate, can I resolve to date more, and can I resolve to find true love...? To me resolutions always lack some truth, because they are often surface requests for what we truly desire. Lose weight --- improve my self-image; Work out --- stop being lazy and get some discipline; Eat better --- a statement that is riddled with guilt from all the crap that we ate over the holidays; Go to Church More ---- Stop being a some time Christian (*some times I'm working on my relationship with God...and some times I'm not); Get more involved in community outreach --- again riddled with guilt regarding all the selfish acts that have been done this past year. This year, I am truly digging into my soul to outline my New Year's resolutions:

1) Get off the couch, get in the gym, and stop crying about losing weight
2) Make more money --- i.e., stop spending everything I have on frivolous items I don't need
3) Eat better - HA, stop eating all together --- stop self medicating with food
4) Cut back on alcohol - again stop self medicating with alcohol, and get it together
5) Be a more faithful person -- be prayerful in the good and bad times...and just because it’s cold outside, it doesn't exempt me from going to church
6) I resolve to find a mate --- i.e., stop dealing with these dead-end and nowhere relationships and open your heart and soul for what's truly right
7) Appreciate my blessings, big and small. Stop being a selfish, self-centered, and egotistical individual….recognize my higher purpose…
8) Be a better me --- Note: if you have to pep-talk yourself into being a better you then you probably already know you aren't the best you ...that you can be!

Overall, the single girl desires to see movement in her life. The single girl of the she-spot feels totally stagnant right now. It's time to take the reigns of my life and gain control of my life, my decisions, my failures, and my consequences.

So this year as you and I put pen to paper to create your resolutions for 2010, let’s all aim to be wiser and more true to ourselves. Let’s recognize our decisions that have led our lives in the direction it’s going. Resolve to be better at being you…resolve to be more introspective and reflective. Resolve to recognize our individual faults… .

Happy New Year everyone....wishing you much love and peace during this season...and much success on attaining your goals for 2010.

---And that's straight out of the she-spot!!!



  1. You will get there my pet,don't you worry.As long as he puts you first that's the starting point!

  2. Hey girl this is my kinda spot. I dig your blog lady. Happy New Year!!!

  3. @ Simon - thanks for the positive feedback....And you are totally right, I'm definitely seeking someone that puts me first...

    @ Robinminx - thanks girl for the comraderie....and Happy New Year to you as well.

    Checking out both of your blogs right now!
