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Sunday, March 6, 2011

So Many Choices and Decisions -- Becoming an Agent of Change

It's been such a long time since I've taken the time to post.  As with anything, life gets in the way...or in the words of the commercial, "life comes at you fast."  At any rate, it has been a crazy few months...and I still am trying to figure out this life thing! 

Yet, I realize that life is mostly choices followed by decisions---good or bad.  Like many others I'm sure, I spend so much time thinking about what life has to hold for me...when in actuality, I'm just considering my choices.  Also, I've spent a great deal of time not making the best decisions or reveling in inactivity and not making a decision at all.  Life is so short, unpredictable, and undetermined.  At this point, as I'm getting older, I spend a great deal of time thinking about things I could have done differently, things I should do differently, and things I want to change.  I recognize today though that I want to make a change in my life that allows me to have the greatest impact for the the greatest good.  I would like to be an agent for change.

I recently met and have become great friends with someone who seems to understand the importance of life.  Life for him is making a contribution to society around us.  He's a person that immerses himself in the business of making the lives of others better.  His commitment to the community forced me to think  back to when I was younger and how I was much more involved in my community.  For the last few years, I would not say that I have been selfish...but I've been so consumed in the lives of the immediate people around me that I have not had anything to give to the community at large

I've been too complacent for far too long.  There are so many ways to effect many people in many ways to help others.  So when I think about life at this time, I know that I want a life that is more meaningful.  I choose to be the change I want to see in the world.

This is the she-spot...committing herself to good choices and becoming an agent of change!


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